Getting to know More About Us.


We meet every Sunday were we have a number of services.

The  first service starts from 7:00am – 8:00 am this is morning Service.

The second service (English Service) starts from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, this is the main service.

Sunday School and Teen services also proceed from  9:00am – 11:00 am.

We also meet on Wednesday mornings at 6:00pm and Wednesday afternoon at 1pm for fellowship and prayer.

Bible Stud happens on Wednesday from 5:00 pm – 6:15 pm

Church History

A.C.K St. Peter’s Uthiru is a spectacular church in the Anglican Diocese of Mt. Kenya South.  It is located along Waiyaki Way 13 km from CBD next to Uthiru Girl’s High School, and it is also the Archdeaconry headquarters. 

The thought to plant an Anglican church in Uthiru was birthed in the year 1929.  In 1936 a congregation was formed who were worshipping under a Mukuyu tree. In the year 1942 a mud church was constructed.  Construction of the current permanent structure began in 1963 and was completed in 1971.

Since 1975 to date, the church has been served by 17 Vicars-in-charge, 6 Archdeacons, Curates, Deacons, Evangelists and Lay readers.  The Current Archdeacon, Ven. Stephen N. Ngariuku has served since 2021 to date.

The Church is also the home parish to the current Bishop of Mt Kenya South, The 6th, Rt. Rev’D Canon Charles M. Muturi.

St. Peter’s Uthiru has so far planted 9 churches listed below:-

  1. A.C.K Emmanuel Ngong’ 1973
  2. A.C.K St. Peter’s Orochoronyori 1975
  3. A.C.K St. Mark’s Kinoo 1981
  4. A.C.K St. James Dagoretti 1983
  5. A.C.K. St. Paul’s Kiuru 1988
  6. A.C.K Emmanuel Kagondo 1997
  7. A.C.K St. Joseph of Arimathea 2000
  8. A.C.K Trinity Muthua 2002
  9. A.C.K. Stephen’s Ndumbu-ini 2010


The church has grown rapidly in terms of congregants and development projects.